Get treatment for all your healthcare needs at Prime Medical and Radiology Institute.
World class radiology, interventional procedures, health care and excellent service in one state of the art facility.
Kingston Jamaica Radiology Services
PRIME Medical is the premier radiologist and medical clinic in Kingston, Jamaica. Our patients are our number one priority. We use the latest technology to diagnose and provide treatment with care. Providing CT Scans, Ultrasounds, X-Rays, Fluoroscopy, and many more medical services with the utmost care and quality for your medical needs.
CT Scan in Kingston
- CT Chest
- CT Abdomen
- CT Pulmonary Angiogram
- CT Pelvis
- CT Brain
- CT Venogram
- CT Guided Biopsy
Ultrasound in Kingston
- Ultrasound Guided Biopsy
- Venous Doppler
- Arterial Doppler
X-Ray Services in Kingston
- Angiogram
- Aortogram
- Miturating Cystourethrogram (MCUG)
Fluoroscopy Services in Kingston
- Angiogram
- Aortogram
- Miturating Cystourethrogram (MCUG)